Partner: Vienna University of Economics and Business
The Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), was founded in 1898, located in Vienna, Austria. Its new campus, built in 2013, is located at the heart of Vienna in the second district next to Vienna’s Prater Nature Park. It comprises a total area of 100.000 m2 of net floor area housing 22.000 students and 2.300 faculty and staff members.
The university consists of 16 research institutes 11 departments with 63 institutes ranging from economics to foreign language business communication to information systems and operations. Additionally the WU has 7 competence centers enabling topics such as experimental research, sustainability and entrepreneurship and innovation.

Why are we interested in 360 video?
The Institute of Information Systems and New Media has a high interest in video technology for learning. It has developed and integrated one of the major learning environments, namely LEARN, based on the Open Source Community System OpenACS in combination with .LRN, a Learning Management System developed at MIT. Both systems are Open Source and are being developed further at the Institute. Furthermore the team behind LEARN has developed and integrated a campus wide lecture recording and streaming service, with a fully automated recording and live streaming tool chain offering flexible video solutions for TEL.
With this background, the Institute is excited to be part of SEPA360 exploring the new possibilities of 360° video technology. We already have piloted the application of 360° video for teacher-training classes in Business Education and integrated a 360° tour for the WU library: Lost@WU. A challenge, however, is the systematic identification of meaningful scenarios for 360° video in learning. We look forward to identifying new 360° video-based learning scenarios in the context of an economics and business university in order to drive technological development for it.
Team Members: SEPA 360 Erasmus + project

Michael is a research and teaching associate at the Institute of Information Systems and New Media. He is currently pursuing his PhD in the area of video-based learning.
After receiving his Bachelor and Master degree in Information Systems from the WU, he was part of the developer team for the e-learning platform LEARN from 2009 to 2014. His main responsibilities included the development and integration of video and streaming services, also known as “Lecturecasts”.
Michael is passionate about video for learning and its technical aspects of development and integration. He also teaches courses in “Foundations of ICT” and “Business Information Systems”
Contact: Michael S. Feurstein, MSc
Digital Champions at WU Vienna

Daniel is a Web & IT Project Manager at the WU Executive Academy, the post-graduate department WU.
With a passion for technology he is responsible for e-learning technologies.
Contact: Daniel Fleckl

Ulrike is a staff member at the WU library with specialization in information literacy, service management.
She is passionate about academic librarianship, user-centered services, and state of future applications in information science.
Currently she is working on using 360° videos tutorials in the WU library (orientation and guided tours) with Sarah Kwiatkowski and Michael Feurstein.
Contact: Ulrike Kugler

Sarah is a staff member at the WU library with specialization in information literacy, service management and library didactics.
With a former background in pedagogy and social and cultural anthropology she is interested in the theoretical and academic approach to intercultural learning, getting access to information literacy skills and developing barrier-free learning spaces.
Currently she is working on using 360° videos tutorials in the WU library (orientation and guided tours) with Ulrike Kugler and Michael Feurstein.
Contact: Sarah Kwiatkowski

Ilse Pachlinger

Rosanna is a research assistant at the institute for business education at the WU Vienna.
Before switching to a scientific position, Rosanna initially worked in the field of digital teaching at the WU Vienna and gained a lot of experience with blended learning scenarios and video-based learning settings. In addition to her research in the field of vocational education, Rosanna works as a teacher in the master’s programme “business education”. Within her teaching activities at WU Vienna, Rosanna specializes in didactical and methodical teaching-skills of economic subjects.
Contact: Rosanna Steininger